November 9, 2015
Solidarity for Syrian Healthcare Workers

After the October 20th strike on the Sarmin Hospital in Idlib, Dr. Tennari described the reality facing healthcare workers in hospitals in Syria: “When I am in the hospital, I feel like I am sitting on a bomb,” he said. “It is only a matter of time until it explodes....

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November 6, 2015
Healing the Invisible Wounds of War

The damage of war is often obvious. Scars from shrapnel of barrel bombs provide visible evidence of the violence Syrian civilians have faced in the ongoing crisis in Syria. However, the conflict has left behind invisible scars on the millions of Syrians fleeing the conflict. The psychological toll of living...

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September 17, 2015
SAMS September Medical Mission

SAMS September Medical Mission to Jordan Five dentists and four doctors joined the September medical mission to Jordan. This amazing group of volunteers took the time to visit refugee clinics and centers in Jordan, to provide services and support medical professionals and ongoing programs that, although overwhelmed, provide vital services to...

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August 6, 2015
Numbers Don’t Lie.

I want to talk to you about the medical work in East Ghouta. But how can I describe this epic humanitarian crisis that is happening there and in all of our beloved Syria in a few words and a few minutes.This crisis has surpassed the heroic poem of Gilgamesh, the...

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July 29, 2015
Fresh Hope Through Youth Action

The turmoil in Syria has been difficult for many and as the number of displaced Syrians increases daily the prospect of a normal life begins to appear as a fantasy, leaving many hopeless and the youth population lost. According to the 2014 “Situation Analysis of Youth in Lebanon Affected by...

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July 20, 2015
The Medical Toll of Living Under Siege

A young girl collapsed one day at school in besieged Eastern Ghouta. She had entered a coma as a result of chronic malnutrition. After helping her stabilize, a doctor told her mother that the girl needed to be fed before school each day. “I have three daughters and one can...

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July 9, 2015
Fighting to Survive: Learning to Live Under Siege

“Many of our dreams have disappeared. The only dream that remains is our dream of surviving this crisis, which has stripped us of our rights and our dignity. Our feelings are crystallized in one word: fear. We are more afraid every day,” wrote Marah, a girl living in a besieged area...

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June 20, 2015
“Nothing Is Certain:” Life at the Zaatari Refugee Camp

“Nothing Is Certain:” Life at the Zaatari Refugee Camp For Syrian refugees living in the Al-Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan the only thing that is certain is that nothing is certain. With the conflict now in its fifth year and showing no sign of resolving anytime soon, Syrian refugees are...

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June 4, 2015
Education in the Midst of War

“War acquires comparatively little significance for children so long as it only threatens their lives. It becomes enormously significant the moment it breaks up family life.” – Anna Freud, 1943            All aspects of Syrian lives have been drastically changed from the escalating conflict. Syrians from every age group wake up...

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May 6, 2015
Syria’s Women and Girls: Dignity and Relief

By Mukta Ghorpadey, SAMS Advocacy & Communications Intern Women suffer uniquely in war zones. Close to four out of five of the nearly four million Syrian refugees driven from their homes because of conflict are women and children. Many of these women have been uprooted in moments of sudden violence...

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April 27, 2015
Stories with a Heartbeat

Stories with a Heartbeat is an initiative led by poet Will McInerney and doctor Mohanned Mallah to document the stories of medical professionals and their patients through creative, engaging, and dynamic storytelling.  Throughout March, the Stories with a Heartbeat team of Will McInerney and Mike Mallah, traveled to Palestine, Jordan,...

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