“We want the world’s attention on us so that they can prevent this from happening to others. Let this be the last.” – Abdullah Kurdi, father of Aylan Kurdi


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Over the past few weeks, the world has seen the Syrian refugee crisis grow more desperate than ever. The viral picture of 3-year-old Aylan Kurdi, his body washed up on the Turkish shore, shows a glimpse into the horror that countless refugees face in their attempts to find safety, hope, and peace from violence. This is a critical moment for the international community to step up and stand with humanity.


Act now. Here are 4 simple ways to take action for Syrian refugees.
1. Advocate.
Your voice is essential to calling for safety, security, and dignity for all refugees. Violence, daily barrel bombings and airstrikes, and lack of protection has caused over 4 million Syrians to flee their country looking for safety and hope. And yet – the U.S. has only accepted around 1500 Syrian refugees. Join us and tell the U.S. to open its borders and accept a fair share of Syrian refugees who desperately seek a return to normalcy.
 Join us on October 9th in Washington, DC and #Advocate4Syria. We will be flooding Capitol Hill with doctors, students, and advocates meeting with elected officials asking for protection for all Syrians and Syrian refugees.

You can also call your elected officials and the White House to tell them to work with the UNHCR and all branches of government to expedite the refugee resettlement process in the U.S.


2. Call for all countries to accept more refugees.

There are numerous worldwide petitions that you can sign to pressure governments to accept more refugees and ensure their safety. Please sign here:

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3. Donate to SAMS’s Refugee Fund.
Overwhelmed host-countries like Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon struggle to provide for the mass numbers of Syrians who have crossed their borders. Limited services and poor conditions have forced refugees to flee across the Mediterranean, risking their lives on the dangerous journey. In these countries, SAMS provides the life-saving and dignified medical care these refugees deserve. We operate the largest multi-specialty clinic in Zaatari Camp, support critical psychosocial programs in Jordan and Lebanon, provide critical dental care in Turkey, and give winterization kits to families in need throughout the region. Donate to our Refugee Fund to help support services and care refugees in the countries surrounding Syria.


4. Raise awareness in your community and around the world.
  • Share pictures, videos, and names of organizations assisting the refugee response. 
  • Write an op-ed. Reach out to the SAMS Society Coordinator, Natasha Kieval, at to receive an op-ed template and personal assistance with op-ed drafting and media outreach.
  • Tweet. Use some of the trending hashtags – #RefugeesWelcome, #ShareHumanity, #OpenToSyria, #AylanKurdi, #HumanityWashedAshore – to have an even greater reach for your message.