InterAction Pledges $1.2 billion in Refugee and Humanitarian Assistance

SAMS joins 30 international NGOs in committing over $1 billion in private resources to help address global refugee crisis over the next three years.

WASHINGTON, DC –  In advance of President Obama’s upcoming Leaders’ Summit on Refugees, the Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) and 30 other members of InterAction — the largest U.S. alliance of international NGOs—announced a three-year pledge to collectively invest $1.2 billion in private resources on global humanitarian assistance efforts.

According to the UN Refugee Agency, there are more than 65 million displaced people in the world today, the highest number since World War II. By utilizing donations from individuals, foundations and corporations, SAMS and its NGO partners will work to provide urgent medical assistance, food and nutrition security, shelter, education, and other essential services to refugees and displaced populations across the globe.

“The scale of the current global refugee crisis is unprecedented. It is critical for the mission of all humanitarian organizations to support  those  fleeing violence and persecution. SAMS is proud to join the pledge along with our partners at InterAction to ensure that refugees around the world have access to the services they deserve,” said SAMS President, Dr. Ahmad Tarakji.

Over the three-year commitment period, InterAction will track and annually announce the total private investments by participating member NGOs in humanitarian aid related to refugee services and relief. The pledge announcement comes in advance of the White House’s Sept. 20 Leaders’ Summit on Refugees. Global leaders present at the summit are expected to make new and significant pledges to help address the global refugee crisis.

“InterAction is proud to represent 31 of its members in making this important pledge,” said InterAction CEO Sam Worthington. “The urgent need for action on the global refugee crisis is clear. And today’s pledge announcement represents a down payment on the ongoing commitment of U.S. civil society to work together with public and private partners to help displaced populations in a time of historic humanitarian need.”

In 2015, SAMS treated 300,000 refugees in Turkey, Jordan, and Lebanon. This year, SAMS’s programming has expanded to provide medical services for displaced Syrians in Greece. SAMS’s efforts in 2016 have expanded further, providing specialized services, such as cardiac angiography, gastrointestinal care, pediatric  services, and more. Additionally, SAMS is committed to addressing the root causes of displacement by supporting medical workers and health facilities inside Syria to support the men, women, and children who remain, living under airstrikes, barrel bombs, siege, starvation, and other horrific conditions.

PARTICIPATING ORGANIZATIONS: ADRA; All Hands Volunteers; AmeriCares; CARE U.S.; Catholic Relief Services; Global Communities; Headwaters Relief Organization; Heartland Alliance International; HIAS; International Medical Corps; International Rescue Committee; Islamic Relief USA; Jesuit Refugee Services/USA; Mennonite Central Committee U.S.; Mercy Corps; Operation USA; Project CURE; Relief International; Syrian American Medical Society; Salvation Army; Save the Children U.S.; Stop Hunger Now; World Food Program USA; World Concern; World Hope International; World Vision U.S.

InterAction is the largest U.S. alliance of nongovernmental international organizations, with more than 180 members. Our members operate in every developing country, working with local communities to overcome poverty and suffering by helping to improve their quality of life. Visit


For media requests, please contact SAMS’s Media and Communications Manager, Lobna Hassairi at

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