Girls  stickets smallFollowing the horrific attacks in Paris that killed 129 people, there has been a rise in anti-Syrian refugee rhetoric coming from U.S. governors, Congresspeople, and policymakers. Governors across the United States have been announcing their refusal to allow Syrian refugees to resettle in their states. Some Members of Congress have introduced legislation that would halt and defund refugee resettlement altogether. These statements and resolutions incite hate, are discriminatory in nature, and demonize a population that has suffered violence and loss for nearly five years.

It is more important than ever to stand with Syrian refugees. Please take these 5 easy actions today to show your support for the resettlement and safety of Syrian refugees!
1. Exert your political will.
This is the most critical moment to exert your political will and tell public officials that their constituents WELCOME Syrian refugees and reject the hateful anti-refugee legislation.
If you live in one of these states, call your Governor:  
Alabama: (334) 242-7100 Maine: (207) 287-3531 / 1-855-721-5203
Arizona: (520) 628-6580 / (602) 542-4331 Massachusetts: (617) 725-4005 / (413) 784-1200 / (202) 624-7713
Arkansas: (501) 682-2345 Michigan: (517) 373-3400
Florida: (850) 488-7146 New Hampshire: (603) 271-2121
Georgia: (404) 656-1776 New Jersey: (609) 292-6000
Idaho: (208) 334-2100 North Carolina: (919) 814-2000
Illinois: (217) 782-0244 / (312) 814-2121 Ohio: (614) 466-3555
Iowa: (515) 281-5211 South Carolina: (803) 734-2100
Kansas: (785) 296-3232 Texas: 800-843-5789 / (512) 463-1782
Louisiana: (225) 342-7015 Wisconsin: (608) 266-1212
Make sure to find your Congressperson’s and Senators’ contact information here
Here is a sample script of what to tell your Congressperson or Governor: “I’m a constituent from [City] and I support the resettlement of Syrian refugees. I urge the Senator / Representative / Governor to represent me and other constituents who seek to welcome Syrian refugees.”

Below are some additional point that you may want to mention. Most importantly, tell your story about why you support the resettlement of Syrian refugees in your community!
  • The U.S. government handpicks the refugees who resettle here, and refugees are the most thoroughly vetted people to come to the United States.
  • All refugees resettled in the United States undergo rigorous security screenings by the Department of Homeland Security, FBI, Department of Defense and multiple intelligence agencies, including biometric checks, forensic testing, medical screenings and in-person interviews.
  • This is not an either/or situation. The United States can continue to welcome refugees while also continuing to ensure national security. We must do both.
2. Help us PACK THE ROOM on Thursday, November 19 in DC.

Volunteers  girlsOn Thursday, November 19 at 9am, the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee will host a hearing entitled “The Syrian Refugee Crisis and Its Impact on the Security of the U.S. Refugee Admissions Program” in an attempt to foster fear and cultivate anti-refugee and anti-Muslim sentiment to stop the resettlement of Syrian refugees. Now is the time to stand and welcome the hundreds of thousands of Syrian refugees who are fleeing terror, violence, and persecution. In an effort to highlight the solidarity of refugees, SAMS and other organizations are planning to PACK the hearing room. If you are in DC, please attend this Thursday at 9am

3. Sign and Show your Support. 
There are numerous petitions that you can sign to pressure policymakers to maintain refugee stances that are open-hearted to the most vulnerable populations and non-discriminatory in nature. Please sign here:
Resettlement Petitions:


Petitions by State:



4. Support Organizations Assisting Refugees in the United States. 


It is critical that the Syrians who are being resettled in the U.S. have assistance and support in their new community. Organizations like the Syrian Community Network (SCN), which is a Chicago-based refugee support network, empower Syrian refugees in their transition to the United States by connecting people to the right services and support networks. SCN currently supports 16 Syrian refugee families in the Chicago area. Help SCN continue to support and resource resettled Syrians locally!


5. Give to Regional Refugee Assistance Programs. 


Overwhelmed regional host-countries like Jordan, Turkey, and Lebanon struggle to provide for over 86% of the total Syrian refugees. Limited services and poor conditions have forced refugees to flee across the Mediterranean, risking their lives on the dangerous journey. In these countries, SAMS provides the life-saving and dignified medical care these refugees deserve. We operate the largest multi-specialty clinic in Zaatari Camp, support critical psychosocial programs in Jordan and Lebanon, provide critical dental care in Turkey, and give winterization kits to families in need throughout the region. With services and assistance at a regional level, more refugees will be able and willing to remain in the region, and fewer will flee to Europe or desperately need resettlement. Donate to our Refugee Fund to help support services and care for refugees in the countries surrounding Syria.
Refugees Welcome