December 23, 2016
Blog Post by Dr. Hisham Sharif, “Battle after The Conflict”
Amir Ghonim

I would like to make a note to the reader, that this report is intended to not simply raise awareness, but more importantly to promote pro-activity to push for better living conditions in the Syrian refugee camps.  There are currently two categories of Syrians directly affected by the war; the...

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December 22, 2016
We Are Showing Those In Aleppo They Have Not Been Forgotten
Amir Ghonim

The Syrian American Medical Society (SAMS) is grateful that as of last Thursday, December 15, over 9,500 civilians were evacuated from besieged eastern Aleppo City. Unfortunately, among those who were evacuated, 1,400 were in need of medical attention, and many were critically wounded or chronically ill. More than 90 were...

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December 9, 2016
“I can’t express how happy I was.”
Amir Ghonim

Two years ago I finished my high school, and I got high grades, but I couldn’t attend the university as the university is located in area which controlled by Assad regime and I am a resident of rebel-held area. Because of that I stayed a whole year without studying. I...

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December 9, 2016
“I was dreaming of this day for several years!”
Amir Ghonim

In September 2015, after I finished high school, I saw an announcement on Facebook about a scholarship in Bosnia, which was posted by SAMS. I applied to this scholarship and after an interview I was accepted -with other ten students-, we were chosen from tens of students, and that was...

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December 8, 2016
“We promised ourselves to become successful doctors.”
Amir Ghonim

Regarding to what has been happening in Syria from massacres, continuous death and shortage of every essential need, I was feeling helpless inside myself, I couldn’t do any help to my injured people in Syria. That was till SAMS supported me and helped me get the visa to go to Bosnia...

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December 8, 2016
“That day was unforgettable to all of us.”
Amir Ghonim

I was so happy when I got accepted at the Sarajevo School of Science and Technology after taking the entrance exam, thanks to SAMS organization that supported us to join the medical school. Prior to that, I was confused about my study and which university I would join until I was asked...

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December 6, 2016
Scholarships Give Syrian Medical Students Hope
Amir Ghonim

Scholarships Give Syrian Medical Students Hope Prior to the eruption of the Syrian crisis in 2011, Syria was known for its extensive and high quality education system. Primary school enrollment rates were at 97% before the conflict began and at 70% for secondary school. However, as the violence in Syria...

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November 3, 2016
Helping Syrian Children at Refugee Camps
Amir Ghonim

By Ruemon and Mehul Bhattacharyya   Every day we wake up in the morning to the smell of a great breakfast. We see our parents happily making our lunch to take to school. With a full stomachs, we I go to a beautiful school building to learn. For six hours...

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