November 1, 2017
Meet Dr. Alexis, SAMS Volunteer in Greece
Amir Ghonim

When he first began volunteering with SAMS Hellas, Dr. Alexis was afraid to ask his patients about their stories—worried he would “reopen fresh wounds”. Dr. Alexis, an internal medicine physician who had been in practice for two years, joined the SAMS Hellas team on the ground in Greece for three weeks,...

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October 25, 2017
As Siege Tightens, Children of East Ghouta Face Grim Fate
Amir Ghonim

Hala al-Nufi is 2 years old. She weighs 4.10 kilograms (9 pounds). Since the age of seven months, Hala has struggled with health problems, according to her mother, Um Sayyah. Around that time, Um Sayyah was able to take her to daughter to Damascus to seek medical care through tunnels between...

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October 24, 2017
في الغوطة الشرقية … عائلة لا تجد الطعام
Amir Ghonim

أبو عزام /38 / عاماً، رجل سوري من عائلة تسكن في مدينة حمورية نزحوا إليها منذ عامين، وسكنوا داخل في منزل قديم متصدع، وتتراءى شقوقه بوضوح، حيث يخلو المنزل من الأثاث أو ما يمكن أن يستر عيوبه. منال أو “أم عزام” هي ربة المنزل إلا أنها لا تملك ما تدير...

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October 24, 2017
In Besieged East Ghouta, A Family Dreams of Feeding Their Children
Amir Ghonim

Abu Azzam, a 38-year-old Syrian man, lives with his family in the town of Hamouriya, East Ghouta.  Two years ago, they fled from nearby Al-Murj after an aerial attack hit their home, killing one of their children and severely injuring another . Now, they live in  an empty and dilapidated...

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October 4, 2017
Observations From The Ground: The Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh
Amir Ghonim

As soon as we arrived to Balukhali camp in Cox’s Bazar, we witnessed massive floods surrounding tents like islands, with Rohingya refugees attempting to swim to the main road for safety. “This flooding is caused by last night’s rainfall” remarked Mrs. Khatun. As part of our needs assessment trip to...

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September 27, 2017
SAMS Alarmed By Heightened Attacks Against Healthcare Across Syria
Amir Ghonim

For Immediate Release September 27, 2017 Washington, D.C.- Yesterday, the Government of Syria and its allies carried out three aerial attacks on medical facilities in Idlib, Hama, and besieged East Ghouta. These attacks are part of an intensifying escalation of violence directly targeting the medical infrastructure of areas outside of...

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September 25, 2017
Observations From The Ground: The Rohingya Crisis in Bangladesh
Amir Ghonim

The SAMS Global Response (SGR) Team landed in Dhaka, Bangladesh’s densely populated capital city, on Monday, September 18. At the time, the team consisted of myself and SGR director Dina Prior. Upon landing, we immediately identified other humanitarian aid workers at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport, also headed to aid...

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September 21, 2017
Celebrating Contributions of Refugees on International Peace Day
Amir Ghonim

Last year, a Lebanese woman arrived  to the SAMS polyclinic in the Bekaa Valley, asking for an urgent appointment with me as internist for her father. “The clinic is so crowded but I can wait, ” she said. I examined her father, an 85 year old man struggling with chronic...

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September 8, 2017
Salah’s Story: Mitigating the Impact of Trauma  
Amir Ghonim

Salah, a young Syrian, once lived in rural Damascus with his family. As violence escalated, he and his family fled Syria for Lebanon. They now live in the Beka’a Valley, home to over a million Syrian refugees. Although he is now far from the aerial attacks that plagued his hometown,...

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September 8, 2017
Supporting Generations in Crisis: SAMS Psychosocial Programming in Jordan
Amir Ghonim

With the Syrian conflict continuing through its seventh year, 5 million Syrians are displaced outside of their home country. Over 1 million Syrian refugees now reside in Jordan, the sixth highest refugee-hosting country in the world. For refugees who have fled from devastating conditions such as siege and aerial attacks,...

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