April 21, 2015
Diary of a Medical Volunteer: View from Jordan- The Last Day

The Last Day: Day 6 began with a rude awakening. Overnight a cold front swept in from the west, turning the dry warmth of 70’s Fahrenheit into cold sludge. The temperature bottomed out into the mid 40’s, slowing the metabolism of the camp. Within the first drops of rain, one...

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April 15, 2015
Diary of a Medical Volunteer: View from Jordan- Day 5

Day 5: Today we got all the follow-ups that I had sent for blood work coming back for review. There were 40 patients registered to see us for the day, but I think the number was closer to 60 in the end. We went four hours without a break, but did...

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April 6, 2015
Diary of a Medical Volunteer: View from Jordan- Day 4

Day 4: I just returned from another day at Zaatari refugee camp. Today was more exhausting than yesterday; one of our pediatricians fell ill last night, and we felt his absence. I walked through a crowded waiting room at 9:30am, and didn’t stop moving until 2. I lost count of the patients...

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April 2, 2015
Diary of a Medical Volunteer: View from Jordan- Day 3

Day 3: Today was my day to spend in a clinic is Zarqa. This clinic was started by a rheumatologist originally from Syria (Dr. S), who completed medical school abroad and then settled in Jordan. There were already a few regular doctors working there so there weren’t as many patients...

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March 30, 2015
Diary of a Medical Volunteer: View from Jordan- Day 2

Day 2: Although there were similar cases as yesterday (my first case of the day was a child of short stature), now that I had investigated and knew that we really would not be able to provide the refugees with the medicine they needed, I could deal with the situation better....

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March 25, 2015
Diary of a Medical Volunteer: View from Jordan- Day 1

Day 1: In my field, endocrinology, we order labs…lots of them. We use this information to help guide us to pick the correct treatment. It should be one of the most straightforward fields of medicine out there. Except that it’s not. So far, everywhere I have practiced it has been...

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March 17, 2015
Medical Services in Eastern Hama Countryside. (Arabic & English)

الخدمات الطبية في ريف حماة الشرقي «إنجازات» في ظل القصف اليومي ونقص الكوادر حسن مطلق – عنب بلدي تتزايد أعداد المشافي في الداخل السوري في خضم الحرب التي تعصف بالبلاد، ساعيةً إلى استقبال أعداد كبيرة من الجرحى المتأثرين بالقصف أو المعارك، كحال ريف حماة الشرقي، حيث انتشرت عدة مشافٍ تمكنت...

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February 20, 2015
The use of unethical weapons in Syria

SAMS President, Dr. Zaher Sahloul, recently returned from a trip inside of Syria to visit a SAMS facility in Aleppo. This hospital has been hit by aerial bombardment several times, and now operates in a covert underground location to avoid targeting. Barrel bombs, a crude and indiscriminate bomb that causes mass...

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February 7, 2015
SAMS Condemns Brutal Eastern Ghouta Massacre & Calls for Urgent Aid Response

SAMS condemns the intense and brutal military assaults of Eastern Ghouta, and calls for an urgent humanitarian and medical response from the international community. The last three days have brought immense suffering to the hundreds of thousands of civilians trapped in besieged Eastern Ghouta, in what some residents are calling...

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January 27, 2015
Story of Hope: Meet Ibtisam, 7-Year-Old Girl in Aleppo

The crisis in Syria impacted the lives of millions, and has desperately strained Syria’s healthcare. However, the situation is far from hopeless. Medical personnel are among those who risk their lives every day to save the lives of civilians. SAMS is happy to share a wonderful story of success and...

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