This holiday season, help families impacted by conflict, displacement, and natural disasters. Your gift will help deliver life-saving medical care.

Humanitarian Crisis in Syria

The conflict in Syria continues to cause intense suffering for the Syrian people and has left hundreds of thousands dead and millions displaced, both as internally displaced persons (IDPs) and as refugees. Twelve years on, the humanitarian situation in Syria remains particularly dire, with millions of Syrians lacking basic essentials, including food, clean water, shelter, and healthcare. The devastating February 6, 2023 earthquakes have further exacerbated Syria’s protracted humanitarian crisis, as families try to rebuild their lives in the wake of the natural disaster, and amidst ongoing conflict, displacement, and poverty.

Help SAMS Respond in Syria and Beyond

Since 2011, SAMS has been on the frontlines of Syria’s ongoing crisis, delivering urgently needed healthcare free of charge to families in Syria. Currently, SAMS provides an average of 244,000 medical services per month, including childbirth, surgeries, cancer treatment, dialysis, physical therapy, mental health services, and much more to beneficiaries in urgent need. In addition, SAMS supports the healthcare needs of Syrian refugees and vulnerable populations in Türkiye, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon, Greece, Ukraine, and the USA. In 2023, SAMS also responded to the natural disasters in Morocco and Libya, and the conflict and humanitarian crisis in Gaza, working with partners to deliver vital aid.

Your Compassionate Support is Urgently Needed

This holiday season, we ask you to join our efforts. Please help SAMS deliver life-saving medical care to families and children impacted by conflict, displacement, disease, and natural disasters. Your tax-deductible donation will help deliver urgently needed surgeries, medical interventions, consultations, medications, and crucial aid to families and children in desperate need. You can place your trust in SAMS, knowing that for every dollar donated in 2022, 94 cents went directly to programs.

Click on the red donate button to begin making a difference today. Please mail your check to Syrian American Medical Society Foundation, PO Box 34115, Washington, DC 20043. Our Tax ID is 16-1717058

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